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Own It. Be Real. Stay Agile. Take Pride. These simple but powerful expectations define our culture and make us Stronger Together – it's what we call The ²ÝÁñ2024еس¶Ò»¶þWay. They are what we do well when we are at our best, what drives our success and what we could do better to deliver on our mission of empowering people worldwide to live healthier at every stage of life.
The ²ÝÁñ2024еس¶Ò»¶þWay: Our Culture
How did we identify the expectations that form The ²ÝÁñ2024еس¶Ò»¶þWay? Learn about the questions we asked ourselves, and how the perspectives and experiences of our colleagues worldwide led us here.
Our Expectations
Our expectations are rooted in how we work today and are essential to our success tomorrow. We perform at our best when we work together – The ²ÝÁñ2024еس¶Ò»¶þWay – to serve patients, while upholding the highest standards of quality, ethics, compliance, integrity and sustainability.
OWN IT: We hold ourselves accountable, act courageously and embrace challenges.
BE REAL: We are authentic, candid and practical.
STAY AGILE: Encouraging diverse points of view, we adapt quickly and pursue bold ideas.
TAKE PRIDE: We are passionate, united by our mission and our work.
When we focus on owning it, being real, staying agile and taking pride – when we work together, we are stronger… STRONGER TOGETHER.